Thursday, January 27, 2011

New Story in 2011

It is my first post in 2011. Anyway I took some rest to post a new review due to some reason. Those things made me really difficult to write even to think. Sorry by the way.
So new year, new stuff and new ideas, right?
Yes for me actually, I have done lots of things. According to me it was a positive one, because it made me real better right now. Yup, I had a huge problem with my self before. It is too hard for me to explain, but the point is about confidence and many other things. It finished now, and i am extremely so glad.
Today I went to a sushi-specialist restaurant again with my friends, claudia, elizabeth, erick and stephen. Of course with a special discount event from credit card again. It is a great day today, we laughed until we tired. So it ended happily, after we through many troubles. And it inserted with a crazy incident from claudia. Its so secret, I cannot share with all of you.
Today also is my best friend's sister or just call her my best friend, Jane, who having her birthday today. Happy Birthday Jane, wish you all the best. Just delete a bad memories in the past, face your future and enjoy your recent life. Also check her amazing website at
Two days later, I will go to Bandung for participating USM in Parahyangan University. USM its kind of test before you go to university in here. So wish me luck. FYI Parahyangan University is my favourite university, especially their choir, so cool.

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Others just don't have idea about me.