Saturday, September 30, 2017

My Umbra Universe



It's funny how people drastically changed their behaviour to others. But does it the case for their feeling? Could they change their feeling drastically as well? It's funny and complicated at the same time. When suddenly you said to people that you hate them, you do not actually hate them, but you are overshadowed by jealousy, anger or disappointment. In my opinion is like saying you love someone on the first date, you do not actually love them, but you are learning to love them more. So does the case for hating someone.
It's just funny and complicated how human interacts each other and creates an emotional bond between them. And suddenly one said he/she does not have that feeling anymore.
Everything takes time for it, even for your feeling, your feeling to really love someone, to hate someone, and to heal. That's why when you love someone, try to also learn how to let them go. So it will not take so much time to adjust yourself when you lose them.
